Pulse of Spirit

Answering Prayers

As you read the words of this week’s Pulse of Spirit, I invite you into a prayerful space of openness. Feel the natural inclination of your soul to reach out spiritually. Allow yourself to feel the deepest desire of your heart of hearts. Perhaps it is a desire for friendship, or home and family. Perhaps it is a desire to share love with another. Or an urge to know fulfillment in some area of your life.

Sometimes the longing is just to touch Mother God or Father God—to feel their presence, to know they are there and that they see us and care about us.

If you let yourself feel those desires and express them to yourself and to the Divine Presence in your life, in that simple act you are acknowledging the reality of Divine Presence. You are letting it be real for you.

Sometimes, in a time of prayer like this, feelings of lack arise. You might perceive a lack of what you are praying for, or the lack of Divine Presence, immediately there for you.

Where are you? Why aren’t you here for me? How could this happen in my life? Why hasn’t this been fulfilled by now?

If you never spoke those words, admitting your own feeling of lack, you might live the rest of your life with those emotions buried deep inside you, never seeing the light of day. My experience is that when such things are spoken in a time of prayer, with openness and candor with the Divine, an answer is given, if I am open to it. What has seemed like a lack to my human soul is held within an experience of love and fulfillment. I become aware of how much I am loved from above. I realize how I am given power, inspiration, and wisdom from within. And I become aware how much Divine Being has been coming to me through people in my life. This is the message I receive:

Of course I am there for you. I always have been. I always am. Don’t you see all the ways I have come to you?

Receiving this message, and seeing the truth of it, I fill to overflowing with gratitude. I realize that my prayers are already being answered.

This is what it means to me to lead a prayerful life. It is an open, conscious engagement in a process of spiritual intimacy in which I realize what is already transpiring. And becoming more vividly aware of it, I participate more deeply in it, with love and gratitude.

I realize I am part of a prayerful exchange with Divine Being, and with other people. I offer the prayers of my soul into this intimate exchange. And I hear the prayers that come to me that are for me to fulfill. I hear the prayers of the angels of heaven that their love be known on earth. I know I am here to fulfill those prayers. I hear the prayers of my friends to know themselves as whole, as precious, as beautiful, and sacred. I feel their desire to have the gifts within them seen, and for those gifts to be given.

I picture an outer world that is guided and shaped by this prayerful inner world, full of spiritual intimacy, and the subtle energy field that is created by it. I have experiences that tell me that such an experience is entirely possible. At the same time, I realize that this is not the nature of the world at large. World culture is mostly on a different course. And even the more immediate world around me can sometimes be filled with chaos and ignorance instead of the spiritual intimacy that can shape the interior spaces of what people share and create together. Instead of being guided by an inner prayerfulness, the expression of people in words and deeds often agonizes over the lack they see all around themselves.

There are public figures whose words are full of this kind of acrimony and falsehood. Perhaps you have thought something similar to my thoughts when hearing such things. If no one listened to them or placed any significance on what they said, it wouldn’t matter very much. I can image a perfect world in which that was the case. But that is not human culture as we know it. The result is that the listener becomes as much a part of the acrimony and falsehood as the speaker. The field of soft but powerful subtle energy that could shape human culture, if we let it, is constantly undone.

The personal antidote to this public phenomenon is simple and effective. Stop placing significance in statements filled with resentment and lies. It’s not that we are ignorant people who can’t see what is going on. It’s just that we know better than to engage emotionally and energetically in someone else’s circus.

But it isn’t only in human culture at large that people’s words and deeds cut across the spiritual intimacy that brings the answer to human prayer. The same thing can happen closer to home. Spiritually unconscious people tend to agonize over the lack they see in people and circumstances. There might, in fact, be some kind of lack present. But recycling human agony through human expression doesn’t answer anyone’s prayer. It perpetuates lack. A spiritually conscious person never does that. And they never place significance in another person’s expression born out of ignorance.

We are here to be an answer to the deepest prayers of the human heart. We can only do that as agents of the Divine. Some of those deepest prayers are for an experience of home. Mother God answers those prayers from above. The heavenly home is always there for any person in any moment when they turn to it. As conscious spiritual beings, incarnate in human flesh, we have the capacity to bring Mother God’s answer to human prayers on earth. We bring it through the subtle energy field we generate together. That is the foundation for the home that people long for. And the foundation for that foundation is the prayerful spiritual intimacy we hold the space for, which must never be violated by blaming the world around us for the lack we feel. That is not prayer. It is not allowing whatever feelings of lack we might have to be filled in and uplifted. It is blame and accusation, however subtle or blatant.

Avoiding the magnification of lack and blaming others for it and building a field of soft but powerful subtle energy—this is how we become agents of Mother God and bring Her answer to the prayers of the world.

6 thoughts on “Answering Prayers

  1. David, I am compelled to offer something in return, in gratitude for the fact that with every service you are opening up much new vision, calling forth more—and always more is brought forth. How thankful I am for you, for all those at Sunrise and around the world who are with you, and for the opportunities that are opening for everyone moving with this cycle. Together we are able to speak anew the timeless Word, clear away the money-changers, open the doors and windows and let in clear Light and sweet fresh Air, so that the Temple of the Living God once more is a holy prayer chapel and a sacred sanctuary. Thus the Father’s House is becoming once again a House of Prayer and Attunement Radiance. Mother God loves Father God—Truth loves Love. Children of God, born of the prayerful union of Father God and Mother God are the Sons and Daughters of God. Children of God are now here on earth, making it easy for the Father to be known, making it safe for the Mother’s Home to manifest more fully, and allowing the Holy Earth to bring forth new life.

    This fallen world was brought forth because those who were called, metaphorically, the mother of harlots entered into union with the father of lies and the son of perdition, and the accuser of our brethren defiled the House of the true Father, and desecrated the Home of the true Mother, leaving in the wake a temple of darkness, words of vanity repeated day and night, fires of desolation, an orphaned and homeless population, and a wasteland enveloping the earth.

    But something new is happening. Children of the true Father and the true Mother are now present in the Holy Earth and the Holy World, living a life of prayer and attunement in the Temple of the Living God now being restored. Sons and Daughters love Mother God and Father God—Life loves Truth and Love. Now the Children of God are on hand, keeping safe the Father’s House and the Mother’s Home. As Sons and Daughters of God we shout with joy, pray the essential prayer, make available the mercy seat, and offer the arc of radiant service in the Temple of Love and Light and Life. The Lord is in this Temple, all mankind is now in the presence of the Holy Family, and this is changing everything.

  2. I wonder how addicted you are to worrying? So much is ‘out there’ being fed to us about the need to worry. Is it our business to worry about what is not ours to worry about, and does worry change anything? The raindrops in the Burt Bacharach song of 1970 – “Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head” – they keep falling but, “… I’m never going to stop the rain by complaining.”

    Is the world of strife ‘out-there’ or is it within, and is the business that is not ours coming home to roost in us? There is plenty to complain about, if you are looking for trouble, but this will not stop the rain. Will the blues defeat you?

    Lennon and McCartney produced their song, ‘Let it Be’, in 1970. It is a prayer in which …Mother Mary speaks to me… speaking words of wisdom”. What are Mary’s words of wisdom? Simply, let it be! Let go. We don’t like to hear this when wracked with lack and complaint, yet it holds magic.

    There is much in the world to let go of, to rise from the derelict into the new, to hear the whispering words of wisdom from Mother Mary. Let the prayer rise from within and bring peace to the heart. Into our hearts and into humanity.

  3. As conscious spiritual beings, incarnate in human flesh, we have the capacity to bring Mother God’s answer to human prayers on earth. We bring it through the subtle energy field we generate together. That is the foundation for the home that people long for.

    Thank you David – what a blessing it is to be on the earth now, representing Mother God as the energy we do bring and we do offer to each other. It is needed, it is appreciated, it is blessed.

  4. This Is such an applicable service on so many different fronts including my own at home circus, at times I can feel the Presence of Mother God  from above so clearly, In cahoots with Father God no doubt  she Kicks in at just the right Moment and subtly, powerfully, Radiantly,  transforms a challenging situation into adventure and victory …So Thankful ! 

  5. I’m currently reading The Women by Kristen Hannah. It’s a novel about the women, mostly nurses, who served during the Vietnam War. I recall my own passion as a young peace activist and my later training in hospitals where veterans were treated for horrific injuries and psychological trauma. The work was incredibly challenging and yet incredibly rewarding. May I remember and resolve, in this day, to bring the compassion of Mother God to all I meet.

  6. Good to be with you, David, as an agent of Mother God with the capacity to bring Mother God’s answer to human prayers on earth. If those prayers are merely human and seek to process an ego- inspired human wish list, the answer may be “No.” But to the degree that they spring from the Light of Being and a desire to serve Mother God, the answer is a radiant “Yes!”

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