A Celebration of Spirit! – Service Audio

[audio: |titles= A Celebration of Spirit]

International Teleconference Service from Sunrise Ranch, A Worship Service Honoring the Vision and Spirit of Martin Exeter


David Karchere
Jim Wellemeyer
Lou Rotola
Tessa Maskell
Rupert Maskell
Paul Blythe
Alan Hammond
John Gray


PenDell Pittman sang “Come and Behold Him,” words by Martin Cecil, music by Lillian Cecil

George Emery read “Thus It Is,” by Martin Cecil

Michael and Sara Puharich read “The Lord’s Prayer” and “The Prayer of Being”

Jane Anetrini read “The Angelic Proclamation”

Joyce Karchere sang “Place of Worship,” words by Gary Diggins, music by Mary E. Hanson

Joyce also sang “Here in Thy Temple” by George C. Hans

Martin Exeter
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Peter Yannone
Peter Yannone
June 20, 2009 5:06 pm

It was clarifying, cathartic and peaceful to resonate, along side all of you, with these cosmic tones, which emanate as always, but even more evidently as you have provided such a profound portal of these affairs to humankind. I pass along this love and gratitude for your provision of this medium, and take my hat off to humbly acknowledge your focus, discipline and steadfastness of purpose.


Russell Brown
Russell Brown
May 5, 2009 6:36 pm

I’m very grateful to those who put together this audio, “A Celebration of Spirit” since I was working on Sunday evening and thus unable to participate directly. At the still hour of midnight tonight, Tuesday 5th, I found myself pressing the start button and thoroughly enjoyed the recording. In some ways maybe it was even better listening to it on my own after the event for I was able to listen to each crystal clear word and song note, with rapt attention.

A very singular experience of deep peace and a full-hearted atmosphere of appreciation. For Martin and his Spirit, oh yes. I think I thought I knew how much I loved and appreciated him, and how fortunate I was to have known him personally for years. But this audio recording brought home the depth of that love and appreciation, registering how awesomely fortunate I had been to have shared directly in Martin’s and our Ministry over a couple of decades. In some ways I must have taken it all somewhat for granted, enjoyed the ride, contributed some, but assumed the status quo would just go on forever. In a human sense I still miss Martin and hold treasured memories, but am very aware that his Spirit, the Spirit of Life is alive today, in me and all of us.

This service was a reminder that a beautiful atmosphere can still be engendered, or allowed to be, here and now, with others, or within me solo. I thoroughly enjoyed hearing the words spoken by all, and registered too how fine was the leadership of this Ministry beyond Martin. If only I had been the person I am now, back then, perhaps I too would have let go into the current of the Spirit, as John described! I too often thought I was being spoken to directly by Martin, not criticised exactly, but thinking I was being told I needed to manfully slay the human nature he was pointing out to me, which would then lead to a more spiritual me! Actually truth is I was There all along, and still Am in fact. I Am!

Final thought here is a personal memory of being present when Martin voiced the Lord’s Prayer in the first person, as beautifully presented by Michael and Sara Puharich on Sunday. I was riveted, almost fell off my chair, and thought ah, now this is what I have been wanting to hear all along, a way of bringing the Spirit inherent in my Christian upbringing to life! It was and is marvellous. He was and is marvellous!

Love to all, Russell Brown

Tessa Maskell
Tessa Maskell
May 5, 2009 12:19 pm

Excellent quality – keep it up blessed Ones!

Laurie Pollay
Laurie Pollay
May 5, 2009 10:25 am

This Celebration of Spirit audio is the most precious gift I have received – with perfect timing to refresh and enhance my current mission that Martin had originally prepared me for.

With gratefullness and thankfullness to my Lord and King for guiding me to my initial contact with Martin, I dedicate my life to continuing expressing and celebrating Spirit in my world.

With Love and Light, Laurie

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