Your Personal Apocalypse

As I reflect on my own spiritual journey, and the journey of other people, I notice that there is initially a phase of openness, and seeking, and a time of receiving insight and wisdom. For the spiritual journey to continue, the person has to radiate the essence of what they have received. Their response to what they have found on their spiritual journey has to bring them to an experience of sharing it with their world. When that happens for you, your world is transformed and you begin to have the experience of personal apocalypse.

The origin of the word apocalypse is from a Greek word, which means to uncover. On the spiritual journey, the person’s expression of the spiritual reality they have touched sheds light on everything they experience. Nothing is the same.

So how is your personal apocalypse going? We’ve been speaking of the end of a seven-year cycle and the beginning of a new one. Wherever you are, things have changed. You have participated in the creating of a new world. How is it going?

Recently David Karchere summarized what Sunrise Ranch is all about with three words: “Magic happens here.” Magic happens where you are, because it’s being brought by you. Nothing is the same once you do that. Nothing is the same once people come together and say, “No more of the old. Let’s bring a new heaven, a new world of awareness, illuminated from within ourselves.”

So how is your apocalypse going? Most people have used that word in a negative way, describing the dissolution of life as it has been known. Is that a bad thing? The dissolution of life as it has been known could be the most glorious thing imaginable. It is if we are part of what is being born, and not attached to what is dissolving. Apocalypse has within it the opportunity to create a life-giving culture instead of a dying one. It includes an experience of the spirit of home instead of an experience of emptiness. Apocalypse can be an experience of the wonder of life being born.

Many years ago, a friend of mine who, like me, never birthed a child, said, “I celebrate Mother’s Day because I have birthed a lot of things. And I am the mother of my world.” You have the opportunity to know that you are the mother or father of your world. Are you the new Christopher Columbus or the new Magellan, bold enough to set out and discover what is not yet known and courageous enough to leave behind the world as you have experienced it?

It does take some courage to welcome the apocalypse, to welcome the new. People on a spiritual path may feel it is a self-centered thing to do; they’re not holy enough or not yet ascended. I have to ask, Why not you? It’s coming—why not participate in it?

The formula for courageous participation is response and radiance. As the new is coming out of the invisible, we open ourselves, respond, accept that fine vibration into our consciousness, and then offer ourselves, a blessing into our world that is of that same vibration. And if you feel stuck, “Do something for somebody quick!” Don’t waste a moment of your life not being radiant, not being the one giving. This action restarts your innate spiritual flow. While it may seem backwards, starting with the giving, this very act requires a person to touch the place in themselves that is fine, that knows they have something worthwhile to give. They have to respond to that desire to have life move again.

How we behave, how we speak, how we are with each other creates atmosphere. It creates a vibrational environment in which the magic of life takes place. The results are magic at our hand, magic at your hand. This is passionate work. It takes time to develop accuracy in perception and delivery. It requires being passionate in your stillness, in your waiting and listening, and in your delivery—to lay the foundations of a new world properly, to accept the order of a new heaven and then let it infuse your very being with peace and wisdom.

That kind of passion sets the world on fire, and it brings apocalypse. All that was before is lit up so that it might be made new, to serve now—all the old ideas, all the old plans…gone. And what was true in them survives, and what was true in you survives.

What will it take for us to participate fully every day? What will it take to be burned up, born anew, and bring what’s coming now? I thank you for your willingness to be in the passion of this with me as you hear these words or read them. Let us be still together, laying the foundation of our collective vibrational space so that something can be born that is true and life-giving. We hold a place for this magic to be born.

Jane Anetrini
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