The Power of Agape Love


Both my experience of the creation of this message and the reading of it by you has the possibility of being a time for upliftment, a time for letting go in mind and heart of whatever we have been involved in over the last twenty-four hours, seven days, year, or lifetime—to be uplifted into a new awareness of ourselves and of the world in which we are living. To embrace a new awareness of our creative capacity; a new awareness of what wants to express through us into our world—not only the form of it but the vibration of it, and the creativity of it. We have the opportunity to know that upliftment and to bring it to our world. We have the opportunity to know more fully the vibration of Creation.

What does it mean to know oneself as a creator? The story of the creation of human beings refers to us as being made in the image and likeness of God. It’s an inspiring thought, and yet, dare I say, it doesn’t go far enough. And on the face of it, if that’s all it was, it wouldn’t make sense. Certainly, we are here to be something more than an image and likeness of something else. We are not models walking down a runway, posing for an adoring public. In the living of life, we have to be something more than statuesque, more than a handsome size and shape.

Of course, in the biblical telling of it, there is more to the creation of human beings than that. In the story, the first human beings are told to be fruitful and multiply. That didn’t go very well. We now have overpopulation. Then they were told to replenish the earth. Mostly, humankind has been stripping the earth of its resources. And then they were told to subdue the earth and have dominion. That hasn’t gone very well either. It has been more like domination than dominion, and the earth has clearly suffered in the process.

I want to submit to you the idea that the Creator, Him- or Herself, created a human facility to actually show up in that facility as you; that in fact, the reality of you, at a higher level, is the Creator, the Creator that’s in all things and above all things; that you are an aspect of that one Creator that’s within everything; and that you decided to create your physical body and this amazing heart and mind. You decided to create all that to come into and be yourself, to exercise your creatorship. That is what we have in common with all people everywhere: we are all creators and we’re all aspects of the one Creator.

Here is the doorway to our creatorship. It’s a simple one. It has to do with the quality of the Creator who looks out at His or Her creation and says, “This is mine. This body is mine. This earth is mine. These people are mine. It is all mine.” We can’t really imagine that the Creator looks out and says, “No, only the Catholics,” or “only the Hindus,” or “only the Russians,” or “only the white people.” The Creator is looking out and saying, “This is all mine.” And it could be, “Whoopee! This is all mine!” or it could be “O no! This is all mine…” But it’s all mine.

And because it’s mine, as the Creator, I am responsible. And what does responsibility mean? We have all kinds of bad memories, probably, of wagging fingers: “Oh, you’re responsible; you did something bad. Feel shame because you’re responsible, and you didn’t do what you were supposed to do.” We’re not talking about that level of human responsibility. We’re talking about the responsibility that comes when you create something. When you create something, it’s yours and you’re responsible, for better or for worse. And when you own your responsibility—when you own the fact that you are the creator and you’ve created this life, you’ve attracted this life to you, and you walk through that door of accepting total responsibility for what you’ve created—you receive the keys to the kingdom. You get the keys to your creatorship.

You are a creator. You have authorship and therefore authority over what you create. For example, if you had the ability to build a car, and you built one, you would know how it was built and you would know where the steering wheel was and where the brake was, and the clutch, and everything else. You would have authority over that car.

I’ve lived at Sunrise Ranch for sixteen years and a week. I know how a lot of Sunrise Ranch was built. I don’t know everything, because it was here long before I was, but there’s a lot I do know. I played a part in building it. I know how it works. I know where the levers are, I know where the gas is, and I know where the brakes are. So I have the authority of a creator when it comes to Sunrise Ranch.

When we create something, we have the authority of what we’ve created. And when we assume responsibility for our lives and how we’ve created it, we have authority that we didn’t have before.

You may think that you just happened to open your e-mail today, or browsed the web, and you came across these words. Another way to understand what is happening is to see that you drew the words of this message to you. You attracted it according to how you are creating your life.

A victim doesn’t have much authority. The very nature of victimhood is that things are happening to that person over which they have no control. So if you’re thinking like a victim of circumstance and of other people, you’ve lost your authority. The best you can do is run away or battle back.

When we come into our creatorship, we are inheriting incredible powers of creation. There is no greater power than agape. When we stand in that power, we are standing in the radiance of the attractive, transforming power of love. Nothing is more powerful than that. When we bring the light of our Being into the world, we transform it.

I woke up thinking about a very powerful statement from what is perhaps the oldest piece of literature available to humanity. It is from the Book of Job. You can find it somewhere close to the middle of the Bible. Most of the rest of the story in the Bible is full of the telling of a continuous lineage from Adam to Jesus. And then, right in the middle of that lineage, someone thought it was a good idea to insert the story of Job that appears to have nothing to do with that lineage. There are many begats in the Bible, but he’s not one of them. The Book of Job is like a hidden bonus track on a CD. It must have been seen to contain a message that was so important that it had to be inserted.

Towards the end of the book, Job is asked this very powerful question: “Knowest thou the ordinances of heaven? canst thou set the dominion thereof in the earth?” (Job 38:33) That is the question for any human being. It challenges us as to whether we know our creatorship. And can we make it stick?

When I think of ordinances, I think of parking tickets, but somehow I think that there’s more being spoken of than parking tickets here. Ordinances are laws. But these are ordinances of heaven that go beyond laws and speak of the underlying pattern of Creation. When a person knows those patterns, they are getting in touch with that dimension of their Being that is the Creator, from which comes the pattern of Creation. They are finding their own inherent authority and dominion.

The Creation is alive. So ultimately, this question is asking, Can we bring life? Can things flourish in our hands?

I do believe that this is the pivotal question for any human being, for anyone anyplace. Are you in touch with what the pattern of Creation is? Are you in touch with the potentiality for this world in which you live, what could manifest in your life and in the Creation around you? Are you in touch with that? Does it matter to you? Are you dreaming that?

I’ve noticed that, for us to do that together, something has to happen. The usual distance that people keep from their own creatorship and from the creatorship of other people has to be reduced. I notice that there are two ways that people keep that distance. One is obvious. It is battling. Arguing, confronting, fighting and disagreeing effectively keeps us apart from each other. And if you want to try to keep your hurt heart safe, that’s a good way to do it—just keep battling.

But if you don’t like that way, I’ve got a second one for you—you might like this one better. It’s being nice. We can keep our distance by being nice. We’re not really going to get down to the truth of what’s going on; we’re just going to be nice. And in our niceness, we don’t come together. I don’t really like you; I don’t really approve of what you’re doing. I’m going to stay away from you; I’m going to avoid you. I’m actually not going to lend my support to you; I’m not going to love you. I’m going to be nice.

These are two ways of staying apart as human beings. We can battle, and we can be nice. Neither of them allows us to assume our creatorship, which is the truth of who we are and the truth of what we have to do together as human beings. What is the remedy for separation, the remedy to niceness and battling, neither of which get us together?

It is honesty. Not the kind of supposed honesty that simply blames other people but the honesty of the Creator that we are. This is the honesty of taking responsibility myself for what’s actually happening in my own experience—and, on a creative basis, sharing some of that with you. “How’s this going? This is what I see. I take responsibility for it—I’m not pushing it off on you. But this is what I see. We have to do something here, don’t you think?”

To assume our creatorship together, we need something beyond niceness and something beyond battling. We need a real coming together. I say that the standard for doing this has to be enthusiastic, loving support and participation. Isn’t that what the Creator does? Isn’t that what we do when we’re showing up in our creatorship? It isn’t just being nice, and it isn’t battling, and it isn’t some kind of stale thing. It has enthusiasm to it. And when we’re working with people in our creatorship, isn’t there love that passes back and forth? Isn’t there agape?

I say we ought to be vocal about that standard. I’m not just kind of okay with you. I’m not just with you; I’m for you. I’m enthusiastically loving who you are and what we’re doing together. I’m not just being nice, and I’m not just holding back all my reservations and all my opinions and judgments of you. When we’re creating with somebody, we’re sharing what we’re experiencing and what we’re seeing. We’re being honest.

Sometimes honesty is used as a weapon: “Let me tell you what I really think of you.” That approach lacks responsibility. It’s not out of creatorship. It’s not about setting the dominion of heaven in the earth. That’s not real honesty.

Honesty includes responsibility. I am my brother’s keeper. I’m responsible for you. I’m responsible for this world. I’m responsible for me. Now let’s talk. Let’s be honest. And in our honesty, we can come together and create.

Enthusiastic, loving support and participation, I believe, is what we need to really create together. What’s wrong with some enthusiasm and expressed gratitude? Gratitude for another person, for this cycle that we’re in? You know, when things get bad, they can only get good because we love and appreciate each other and the cycle that we’re in. Yes, I know it’s a mess, but we’re together, right? We’re going to do this. We can face it, whatever it is. And if we can face the immediate world with the people around us, we can face the larger world that we’re living in. We can bring a spiritual call to our world that says, Yes, I know there are terrible things going on in our world. But let’s come together as human beings. Let’s do this thing.

And so our call of upliftment goes out to all people everywhere, regardless of ethnic background, political party, or anything else. We’re not calling to their religion and we’re not calling to their politics. We’re calling to their soul, we’re calling to their creatorship. Because we’re doing that, not just at a time like this but in the living of our lives, we are transcending our niceness and our battling. We’re transcending our victimhood, and we’re walking through that scary door of responsibility, into our creatorship.

When you walk through that door, you light up and you heat up, very naturally, because the wall of separation that you’d built between yourself and your creatorship has come tumbling down. You’ve walked through that wall, and you’ve walked into your own power as a creator. You’re not only a statuesque, beautiful image and likeness of the Creator—you are the Creator in expression, bringing the power of Creation, your power, your love.

Your love matters. It matters to me. It matters to other people. Then it ends up mattering to you—your warmth, the light that you have to shed, the pattern of Creation that you’re in touch with, that comes through that brilliant mind that you have.

Personally, I came too far not to see the opportunity of this creative cycle all the way through. Wherever you are in your life, isn’t that true? You’ve just been through too much, overcome too much, learned too much, endured too much not to see this life through to the victory of what life is all about, and to be all about that now with whoever is with you. There might be somebody different tomorrow, but I’m not waiting. You are my people now, whoever you are. You’re my people now, just because you are who is present. And we are going to do this. We are doing this, and we’re bringing the victory of it. In every moment of my life, whoever I’m with, this is what I want to express: You’re my people and we’re doing this. This is our world. We’re doing this. We’ve come too far not to.

When is the day of the fulfillment? I say we’ve waited long enough. Today is the day. I’m doing this now, with you.

May the glory of Being shine through each one of us, and then all of us together. In our darkest moments and our hardest times, may we remember our creatorship and the power of Creation that we have when we truly inherit what is our destiny, which is to be a creator, to be the Creator, male and female, born into this world to bring Creation right here. May the reality of agape love come down like rain in all our experience. This is the power of Creation and the power of the Creator.

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nick Phillip Podovinikoff
nick Phillip Podovinikoff
October 3, 2016 3:20 am

To know how we work , is to be one with””our Father”.
By being one–our soul could begin intuitively,sense the”wonder of the ordinance’s.

Fiona Gawronsky
Fiona Gawronsky
August 27, 2016 4:40 am

So much for feeling insignificant; dwarfed by circumstances thought to be largely out of my control and responsibility. I see that I can be a control point, just having the presence of mind to bring to mind and exude the love of the already existing love current into my situation – big or small. I stop being small-minded in a second!

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