The Magic of the Present Moment

Fresh Thinking, Inspiration, and Vision on the Process of Spiritual Transformation

There is magic in the present moment, no matter how hopeless any circumstance may appear. It is indeed the place of unlimited possibility. Don’t just take my word for it—you can experience this yourself.

It takes deep personal courage to be able to stand still in the present moment with all that is there with you. Personal story, emotions, fears about the future—if you let them tug, tug, tug until you’re distracted away from the present moment, well, you’re no longer in the present moment.

Ask yourself this question: How present are you right now? Is there a part of your consciousness, your attention, which is reviewing something from the past? Maybe there is something you believe that you could have done differently, or something you may regret not doing, or something you wish had been different. You may be rehearsing an upcoming conversation or working out your personal to-do list—so important. To whatever extent you allow yourself to be divided in your attention, you limit your own innate ability to hear the inner urge from what Jesus called “the Father within.” Uranda called this one “the Wonderful One within.” Here is the truth for me, and for you. So often we ignore it by simply being distracted.

Inner stillness, which David Karchere called standing still, is an altered state for most people. It’s not usual. It allows one’s experience to be completely different. In fact, it’s the only place of communion with the Wonderful One within. In that way, it is indeed sacred. I call it an altared state. This sacred space is where all that comes to me lands and comes to rest on the altar of my consciousness. I receive it all and lift it into the presence of God, because I’m in communion with the Wonderful One within.

To possess the courage to be still and responsible, to experience reality, requires letting go of the self-created prison of fear and personality. This is an absolute requirement. It can’t be faked. It’s wise not to be merely a tourist. “I visited the present moment once. It was very nice. But my to-do list wasn’t getting done. Things came up…” The approach required is to take on being fully present in a determined, disciplined way. Think of an Olympic athlete. They don’t train for an hour and think they are prepared to compete. It’s a life’s work. They constantly train.

In comparison, it’s simpler for us. The only thing that will get you into the altared state and keep you there is willingness to let go of your story. Let go of fear for the future. In the days of the Christmas season, I am reminded of the angel of the Lord who appeared to the shepherds. The first words from the angel were: “Fear not.” Stay here with me. I’ve got good news.

I feel similarly today. I’ve got good news: There is unlimited potential and the possibility of magic for you personally and for us all together, in the present moment, right now.

Rich Kenny
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