The Family of Souls

It seems almost inevitable that a person’s thinking process begins with the current reality they are experiencing. So it begins with whatever issues there are in the world in which they live, with whatever division, conflict, and struggle there may be. Then they ask themselves, How could all of this get better? How could all the factors needed for this world to thrive come together? How could all the factions come together and experience connection and harmony? Or perhaps they simply think, Why can’t all these people get a clue?!

Thought processes tend to start with what is and then image how it might become incrementally better. What would happen if we switched that paradigm? What if we entertained the inner perfection of the world—of each person, and of all humankind, together? And then let our thought process unfold from the standpoint of that inner perfection?

For that to happen, we would have to suspend our disbelief that our inner perfection could manifest. And that’s what I am inviting you to do as you read this Pulse of Spirit.

Here is how I would describe our inner perfection. We are a Family of Souls. There are more Soul Families beyond our own. But we are the Soul Family for Planet Earth.

Some of us are incarnate in human flesh. But not forever. That includes all humankind. And there are those who are not currently incarnate in human flesh. That doesn’t make them irrelevant to us. We all have a spiritual dimension to our stature, even those of us who are incarnate. Being in the flesh doesn’t deny that. And having no human flesh at the moment doesn’t deny a Being’s substantiality and relevance to the Family of Souls.

We are a Family in Love. Everything that transpires in the cycles of Creation happens within the network of Love that is established by the golden threads of connection between us all. We are a constellation of Light in the firmament of Planet Earth.

Just as there is a center to every manifest form of Creation, from the Milky Way to the atom, there is a center to our Family of Souls. All the Love of this Family, all our knowledge, is concentrated there. We invest our Love in this illuminated heart of our family.

The center of our Family is not just a space. It is occupied by Beings who are the nucleus of our Family. And there is a Being of ultimate Love who is at the very center of that nucleus.

This Being incarnated in a previous age, though he is not incarnate now. And still, he is not defined by any dimension of human culture. He is not defined by race, religion, color, or geography. He stands at the center of us all.

While we, as human beings enjoying a cycle in the flesh, have the possibility of error, there is no error possible in this inner perfection of the Family of Souls. Love reigns supreme. It is a liberating Love that frees all Souls to be perfectly themselves in expression, fulfilling their parts in Creation.

This pattern of inner perfection includes every Soul in heaven and earth. Every man, woman, and child is part of it, whether they know it or not. And most do not know it.

Participation in this constellation of Souls is the basis for human harmony. Each of us orbit around the nucleus at the center of our Soul Family. That orbit establishes our place in the Family and our relationship with one another. It establishes the part we play in Creation.

Shall we begin all our thoughts with the knowledge of this inner perfection? From this perspective, there is no problem to solve. There is only the processes of Creation to fulfill.

If we do not experience this Reality and our place in this Family of Souls, what is the conception of Reality within which we are operating?

Now consider the usual attempt to make the world come together—to create greater levels of human harmony, more ecologically aligned ways of functioning, and less risk of all-out war, disease, and poverty. All the while, the world is mostly unconscious of the inner perfection of this Family of Souls and of the organizing principle of this Family. What are the chances of our success as a race without awakening to that Reality?

Let us fully remember our Family. Let us remember the Love that illuminates this constellation in which we participate. And let our Love for the One at the Center of us all fully ignite, creating the power of fusion that transforms humankind.

We are the part of this Family of Souls who are in the flesh, in this world. Let us do our part to bring awakening to the world.

Do we have a better plan than this?

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Peter Bloch-hansen
Peter Bloch-hansen
January 7, 2025 2:50 pm

I love your statement that there is no problem to solve. That is the key to to all creative activity, turning away from what are imaginary issues to which humans give their attention and life force, and toward the almighty, central source of all being. This transforms us into gateways, each in our own particular ways, through which the healing, transformative power of the truth of love will flow revealing the truth of ourselves as individualized members of one body. we only need to be willing.

Fiona Gawronsky
Fiona Gawronsky
January 4, 2025 7:23 am

A friend sent me a WhatsApp this week. The accompanying photo was of the tail-end of a bus in a street scene. You could have thought, so what?! However, the slogan on the bus lifted her heavy spirits with the message, “In God I Trust”. This was exactly what she needed.

When we actually see what is speaking to us out of the environment, they are a reminder of what we inherently know, and what we inherently know connects us to “soul family”. The environment is a mirror to our experience whether we are reactive, alert or blessed.

Not only do we have physical eyes, we have eyes of spirit which understand the inner reality and impetus for what materializes in the outer world.

Thank you, David, for assisting in removing the cataracts from our eyes.

January 2, 2025 5:56 pm

What you are pointing to here has been in my meditations recently. Suspending the disbelief that the inner perfection, the Divine Design, could manifest in this world is BIG. My work and our work together is to totally dissolve that doubt and disbelief. To turn away from what is showing up now and to KNOW the truth of perfection, harmony, peace and oneness imbued with Love is the what is being asked of us all. In this new cycle, I am consciously working with my thoughts and beliefs and going into the next level of allowing the perfection of Reality come into manifestation.

Last edited 2 months ago by Sece Foster
David Barnes
David Barnes
January 2, 2025 5:45 pm

What an electrifying and illuminating pattern of meditation this is, offering a potent opportunity to welcome union in the fires of fusion. There are many ways to describe the Plan, and this is a powerful invitation to experience more vividly the truth that we are a Family of Souls, a Family in Love, a Constellation of Light. The center of our Family is not an ocean of formless emptiness, but it is occupied by Beings, at the center of which is a Being of Supreme Love whose Great Spirit is known to be everywhere present. So, in the creative beginning of everything felt, thought, said and done, this is foremost. The Light of this Love Supreme ignites the heaven of consciousness, and brings these things to remembrance in the earth here and now, and there is a great eagerness to let go, and forget all that is not part of the Plan. From the center of Being, the fires of fusion extend through this part of creation, and course through the breath and the blood of this Family pattern, and the invitation to all is, “Come and see, draw near: let this Love Supreme steal your heart away, and let all things be made new.” I am close with you in this way of being in the world. Ever grateful. db

Jerry Kvasnicka
Jerry Kvasnicka
January 2, 2025 5:39 pm

Though our observation of the human world brings images of “war, disease and poverty,” the Real World is a Family of Souls where peace, harmony and abundance are known. We have the opportunity to bring this Real World into the human world by the quality of our living.

January 2, 2025 3:13 pm

David – this is beautiful – thank you.

We are a family of souls and a family in love.

Margaret Gunn
Margaret Gunn
January 2, 2025 9:52 am

A lovely perspective David. Many thanks

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