The Eternal and the Infinite

Fresh Thinking, Inspiration, and Vision on the Process of Spiritual Transformation

These words from the Trustees of Emissaries of Divine Light proclaim the essential purpose of our work:

We bring cosmic context to human consciousness.

Through our living example we invite the world to know the unity of love manifesting in the patterns of truth.

We are remembering who we are.

We are living our destiny.

We are building a sun.

We experience our lives in this space-time continuum, which extends to who-knows-where in space, and from and to who-knows-where in time. Effective living, fulfilled living, occurs when a person comes to focus in the middle of all that, not worrying about the future or agonizing over the past, and not worrying about what’s happening over here or over there. When a person is now and here, in the middle of the space-time continuum, something can come to focus in their experience.

There are familiar words for what lies beyond the space-time continuum. Beyond space is the infinite, and beyond time is the eternal. When we are in the here and now, we are in position to bring the infinite and the eternal. It becomes very natural for us to bring that reality into this place, right in the middle of the space-time continuum.

I’ve used certain words to convey a truth that may be familiar from ancient writings that speak of exactly the same thing in poetic, symbolic terms. This is what is being said in the Book of Genesis, which describes how God planted man in the midst of the Garden. We are planted right in the midst of the space-time continuum, to tend and keep space and time. Of course, for most people, they find themselves overwhelmed by space and time—it’s keeping them, perhaps keeping them imprisoned. People agonize over the past and worry about the future. And there is a popular human pastime that brings nobody happiness, which is getting into other people’s business—in other words, not being here and now where I am but trying to be over there in somebody else’s experience. That doesn’t lead to happiness or fulfillment.

We are remembering who we are.

We are living our destiny.

Our destiny is to bring the eternal and the infinite into the now and here, into the middle of the space-time continuum. When we do, we are tending and keeping the Garden, as it was put. There is the creative process that is transpiring, for which we are responsible. And there is something changing in the awareness of humanity. There is an evolution of consciousness. Consciousness evolves in a creative direction when the eternal and the infinite are in the midst of that change.

The words truth and love relate to the eternal and the infinite. The truth for any person is “I am the truth of love here and now, in this moment.” Truth and love are not just abstract virtues. For anyone, truth and love have meaning because they experience them in the here and now; because they are unembarrassed, unapologetic and unafraid to be that now. Truth and love have meaning because a person will not move from being that, under any circumstances.

Where we bring the eternal into the creative process, there are things in our world that do move. Our most immediate world is our own body—not just the physical body but also the emotional and mental bodies, and even the spiritual body. All of that is changed by the eternal. When I am present in the midst of this most personal of worlds, shifts occur. If I have a belief in my own limitations or in the limitations of another, well that’s going to have to change. If I have feelings in my emotional body that take me out of the here and now, they will have to change. If I am lamenting an ancient agony from my own life, that emotion is going to be reshaped and transformed by the eternal. It will be changed by the changeless if I let it be.

Usually people fret with other people’s business, or fret with what’s happening out there in their world. Do you think that if we handled our own business, first of all internally and then in the immediate world around us, the rest might be a piece of cake? And when the events beyond us are troubling, they point right back to something in the individual.

So today, you, along with people in many parts of the world who will read these words, are dwelling in the here and now wherever you may be. We are convening a creative field of consciousness. At the center of that field are people who say, “We are remembering who we are.” We are remembering, both in the sense that it is coming into our awareness that our inmost reality is eternal, and in the sense that we are re-membering our body. The vibration that springs forth from the eternal does call us to wholeness as a person. The vibration of the eternal calls us to physical, mental and emotional health. If we are bringing the vibration of the eternal, we are also bringing the pattern of wholeness for humankind. We are calling humanity to wholeness and to the next step in its spiritual evolution.

“Through our living example we invite the world to know the unity of love….” Not just the universal idea or principle of love, not just the virtue of love. “Through our living example we invite the world to know the unity of love manifesting in the patterns of truth,” in the wholeness of who I am as an individual, and in the wholeness we know with other people. There is a challenge! To experience wholeness and love with other people. To be together in love takes the discovery of the truth—first of all, the truth of who I am. And then the truth of you are, and the truth of who we are together. When we re-member who we are, we are a living example of what is possible for anyone.

Emissaries of Divine Light are not content to extol the virtues of something in principle or belief. We are not content solely to inspire other people through what we say or teach. As wonderful as those things are, we set for ourselves the most ambitious goal of being a living example of the unity of love manifesting in the patterns of truth.

It is not possible to participate in manifesting the unity of love in the patterns of truth without giving up beliefs that may sound good as a person repeats them to themselves or to another, but which are not really true. So we are called to ask, in the living of our life, “Is it really true? Does this really let love live between me and another person? Does this really bring fulfillment for me and for my world?

When we are living our destiny, we find we are building a sun. When we come together in the unity of the truth of love, we are coming together in fusion, in a radiant field that is created by our being together. Where people stand together in the here and now, they find that they’re in the midst of the creative field, bringing the radiance of being into the field. In that way, we are being a sun. Our radiance energizes the field. It holds the field together in our experience. It warms the field.

We are here to be a sun. And when we set aside everything that doesn’t have something to do with that, we find that our fusion and our radiance together are natural. We fit together with other people. We belong in one place of awareness and understanding that comes to each person in a unique way. We find that what is happening in our own awareness is the critical factor for the field of consciousness and energy that we center, and it is the critical factor for what manifests in that field.

We bring cosmic context to human consciousness.

Through our living example we invite the world to know the unity of love manifesting in the patterns of truth.

We are remembering who we are.

We are living our destiny.

We are building a sun.

David Karchere
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Copyright © 2025 by Emissaries of Divine Light
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Staush Jankowski
Staush Jankowski
September 15, 2010 7:50 am

Hello David: Meditating on the words, “the space-time continuum” I instantly find myself — right where I am: the holy place where peace, harmony, awareness and vibrancy reside. It is not a conjured-up state of mind. This place I occupy, others occupy as well and transcends all space and all time, making you aware of a solid feeling of being “Home”. From this point I may choose to involve myself in virtually anything at any level.

I remember the first time I walked into the Lodge at 100 Mile House many years ago, and seeing individuals busy with what was needing to be done. Each carried the harmony, vibrancy and clarity of what is known as being fully attentive in the moment: the place I sensed with my whole being as “Home”. This is what and where every individual I have met in the course of my life yearns to have. Much commotion is made about people who carry this kind of attentive vibrancy—they’re considered either wealthy or nuts! Of course, the difference lies in the direct application of what is perceived from the Holy Place. Yet, . . the traps with which we love to be involved! We love this over here or that person over there, which makes us feel exquisitely wonderful, and we want to relish and keep it for eternity. These days, as with all of mankind’s days, encased perceptions are viewed from a much lower place: where what we see, or don’t see does affect us. In other words, we are at the behest of some gods and the elements, and we do not have any part to play on earth except gain a competitive edge on the person next to us, so that we apparently may have more to relish in our seemingly incomplete lives.

A common view or understanding of the words Truth and Love is that truth relates to something written a long time ago, and is spoken by only a select few; and love is what is felt or experienced when something magnificent is perceived, unhindered or unfiltered by the human limited concepts of the mind in those moments. Any expanded or true understanding of these words are left for monks and priests, but for the rest of mankind—it remains an unfortunate mystery. We know through our years of experience that this is not true. It remains a choice for every person to explore why they incarnated, what they are to do moment by moment, how to relate to those around them and bring those essences using what we all have been gifted with. . .creativity (amongst other gifts). These days are filled with opportunities of understanding what has not worked in our lives and use our time in “full-filling” with what does, even to the point of looking ridiculous to others. Hey! It is OUR expression: Occupant Under Release! David, thank you for impacting this time-space continuum with your words.

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