The Capstone of Knowledge

The theme of this Pulse of Spirit is personal for each of us. And yet it has a collective dimension to it that I will speak of, too. Nonetheless, ultimately, I’m interested in the personal, knowing that the personal experience of each of us becomes what we have to share together.

We live in a world that is full of both light and darkness. And in the face of darkness or ignorance, it can sometimes feel like we are swimming upstream. We are here to be in whatever is present and to bring the light into it. And if it feels like we’re swimming upstream, so be it. We are here to bring what shall prevail in this world, which is light—the light of knowledge and the light of consciousness. Along with knowledge come intelligence and wisdom.

The news recently reported that DeepSeek, a Chinese artificial intelligence company, is rivaling American AI companies. They seem to have created an artificial intelligence platform in less time with far less hardware and far less complexity than their American competitors. This has unnerved the American artificial intelligence world.

However this competition works out, there is no doubt that artificial intelligence is growing at fantastic rates and, with it, human knowledge. Global data storage is growing by about 25% a year.

You can think about human knowledge as a pyramid. It is widest at the base, and it is designed to come to a focus point at its apex. This implies that there are levels of knowledge—from the most basic and physical to the philosophical and the spiritual—all the way up to the ultimate knowledge. If you want to put a name on that ultimate knowledge, you could call it enlightenment.

Looking at what’s happening to knowledge for humanity today, it is clear that the base of the pyramid is expanding. There is a voluminous proliferation of knowledge at a low level. However, the higher levels are not expanding, at least not at the same rate. So the pyramid of human knowledge is misshapen. And like the Great Pyramid of Giza, the apex is missing.

AI is good for many things. Yesterday, a friend sent a link to a song made on an AI songwriting app—Suno AI. It is remarkable! With a few text cues to give it a theme and a style, the app gives you a fully produced song with original lyrics and melody. As a songwriter, I’m crushed!

AI can mimic the creativity of a human being. But it is incapable of replacing human function at the apex of the pyramid of knowledge. There is an essential part in the pyramid that we have to play as human beings. There is the knowledge of the scientific and technological worlds. There is the knowledge necessary to administer day-to-day human affairs. Sometimes AI can assist at these lower levels of human knowledge. But there is the highest level of knowledge that is, in many ways, missing for us as humankind, and it takes a human being to bring that knowledge to the world. It takes a human mind, but it takes something else that is not usually thought of when it comes to knowledge. The highest knowledge takes a human heart. The most significant things that we are to know—the ultimate knowledge—are transmitted through the emotional body. Through a feeling Attunement, we receive the messages of the cosmos and the wisdom of the Creator. They resonate through our hearts or they are not received by us as human beings.

That is a picture of the world in which we live, at least in some measure. There is high-level knowledge available, but the transmission of it hasn’t had a chance to get through, because something has been missing at the apex—the apex that ought to receive the transmission of the Invisible.

At the apex of the Great Pyramid of Giza, the capstone is missing. Some speculate that the capstone was originally sheathed in gold, a symbol of Love. This is symbolic of the consciousness of humanity—there is something missing at the highest level.

The way consciousness works, knowledge is built from the bottom up, with higher knowledge built on the foundation of the knowledge of the physical world, gathered by the senses. But this pyramid of knowledge also works in a different way. It’s anchored from above. It emerges out of what’s above. So, if what is above is missing, there is something essential in the whole pattern of human knowledge that is lacking.

This is the frightening thing about AI. If what is most pivotal and most significant for human consciousness is missing, and then humanity is giving direction to AI—which has greater and greater abilities at lower levels of knowledge—it is alarming to think about what could happen.

Out of the highest knowledge comes Attunement with the Divine, from which are born human values and the virtues of human character. There is the knowledge of who we are, what our lives are about, and where we are going. Somewhere deep inside, we know that the direction for our lives comes from this highest place.

How do you have true wisdom for your life except as you have a feeling Attunement with what is above the pyramid of human consciousness? That feeling Attunement is established at the apex. And if that’s there, then the whole pyramid of human thought and feeling has a chance to attune with what’s at the apex and to harmonize with it.

It’s not that we don’t need the rest of the pyramid. Of course, we do. We have to have the intelligence necessary to navigate all the facets of our lives every day. All that is part of the whole body of knowledge, intelligence, and wisdom. But all of the rest of it is left rudderless without what is at the top. There can be brilliant songs written by my AI app, but something is tragically lacking if the apex of human awareness is missing.

As an observer of society in general, it is easy to see how this high-level awareness is largely missing. But then that comes down to each of us. What could be more important for you and for me than what is represented by the capstone of the pyramid?

There is a relationship between knowing and loving. These two words parallel the relationship between thinking and feeling, and this provides a key to the highest knowledge.

Usually, knowing is thought of as a cold thing. We know the cold, hard facts. But the higher levels of knowing are not just about something of the mind. They are something of the heart. There is a connection of Love that’s vital to that knowing, and if you don’t feel that connection, there is a lack of knowledge. And then, where is the ordering pattern for all the rest of the knowledge you possess?

When the Elizabethans first wrote an English version of the Old Testament, they used the word knew to describe sexual union.

And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain…”

Genesis 4:1

You might think it was just a polite Elizabethan way to avoid explicit sexual references. But there is a deeper significance. The Greek and Hebrew words from which the English was translated connote deep familiarity or intimacy. They suggest an experiential knowing.

When we love somebody or something, we come to know them. You come to know your dog because you love your dog. It might be true of a place you live. Love draws you close. It creates connection. And because you are connected, there is an interchange of information. There is knowledge.

Loving and knowing are related and that is true when it comes to this apex of knowing in ourselves. If you study the spirituality of the world, all too often this awareness is tragically missing. People might be meditating forever and ever, trying to empty their minds or bring in cosmic awareness. But all too often, it is without acknowledging the part that the emotional body plays in knowing. They are seeking to attain enlightenment without loving. And we are just not made like that.

Knowing is a matter of the heart as much or more than it is a matter of the mind, and never is that more true than when it comes to this apex substance of knowledge.

How do we know the earth and what we’re supposed to do with the earth, even at a technological level? How do we know how we’re supposed to be with the natural world? Do you think that we can have wisdom around that without a loving connection, just walking on the earth, somehow benefiting from it but without knowing ourselves as part of this beloved planet? If knowing and loving get separated, we end up acting towards the natural world in ways that are ignorant and unwise, not just because there aren’t enough human smarts involved, but because there is a lack of knowing of who this planet is, not just what it is. Real knowledge and wisdom includes knowing the heart and soul of the world in which we live. And so it is for us in our relationships with other people.

It is sad how people can act so ignorantly to another person. How could that happen? Because they don’t know that person, really. They’ve learned to relate in a separate way. The bonds of love that are natural among us as a human family have diminished in the person’s experience. So, the intelligence of how to be with another person is missing in that circumstance. The intelligence of how to be with other people is a matter of the heart as much as it is a matter of the mind. It takes both.

If you seriously study spirituality or religion as it’s practiced in the world today, you will find that this link between knowing and loving is often missing, though not altogether. We’d probably just go up in smoke if it was altogether missing. But they are not present together as they need to be. And the matters of the heart evade people because they are so incredibly simple.

Love is not complex. Loving another person or loving the Divine is not a complicated matter. And so, the human mind tends to overlook it, attempts to figure it out, or tries to believe in something they do not know or understand, not seeing the matter of the heart that’s right before them.

This is from the Prayer of Intercession in John 17. I don’t know a more direct, simple, and significant portrayal of the apex experience for a human being.

That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us.

John 17:21

I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me.

John 17:23

O righteous Father, the world hath not known thee: but I have known thee, and these have known that thou hast sent me.

John 17:25

His prayer becomes a teaching on the generation of the capstone of Love and knowledge in the human experience.

This verse is from the Book of Habakkuk:

For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD….

Habakkuk 2:14

There are two ways to read this. It could be read as the earth shall be filled with people knowing the glory of the Lord. Everybody has awakened to that glory. But here is another way to understand it: the Lord is knowing the whole world. The Lord’s knowledge is filling the world. And that knowing, that awareness, is the whole pyramid of knowledge, infused with knowledge from on high.

We are being known, and through us, God’s consciousness is knowing the world in which we live. Our world is filled with our knowing—not just our own personal knowing but the knowing of divine consciousness that has had a chance to come through us and know through us and fill the world.

I think of that as related to all the fields of our activity. Sunrise Ranch shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord. May that divine knowing fill this Ranch, may it fill this community of people around the world, Emissaries of Divine Light.

How does that happen? It happens when the capstone of that knowledge is in place for you, for me, and for us together. Then there is a body of knowing—not just a body of data, not just a body of smart people. Yes, we need smart thinking. And we need some kind of data. But we are talking about something that is much more than that.

We need the highest knowledge that infuses all other knowledge—shaping it, harmonizing with it, guiding it, and in that way bringing governance to us as human beings, and then through us to our technology, our actions in the world, our science, and our patterns of social togetherness. In this way, our culture is infused with the knowledge we are sharing.

We know this is largely missing from world culture. But it is the world we are coming to know for ourselves and we’re beginning to share together. This is not just hope and not just imagination, but something we’re touching and feeling and coming to know. And sometimes it might feel like we’re swimming upstream. But we are not. Actually, we are moving with the flow of the River of Life.

So, good to be doing that with you, letting the capstone of consciousness be restored, and letting any of the places that have gotten out of Attunement be included in this highest knowing. Let them come back into Attunement and harmony. We are doing that work together.

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Laurence Mendes
Laurence Mendes
February 8, 2025 1:12 pm

I know a huge heart rush, a feeling Attunement. It inspires me to really open to a whole new experience of heart oriented upwards, rather than be mind based primarily. For a couple of days, I’ve seen with my inner eye, a glowing pyramid of flowing liquid gold, within a halo cloud of glory. It dawned that the apex is not set, is not hard and tangible, but an apex in consciousness known. All built on an invisible foundation of first Love, of core integrity, wisdom, and radiance. The three spiritual steps of The Seven Steps to the Temple of Light. I abide with you in awe and humility. Laurence

David Barnes
David Barnes
February 7, 2025 11:08 pm

It is as you say here David, and as I am privileged to magnify with these few written words of agreement:

The One Spirit moving through the One Heart speaks with One Voice through the Transparent Mind of this Priesthood Body, according to the governmental commission bestowed upon Us when we came into the world to fulfill this Divine Ordination. And so the processes of purification and sanctification are intensified within the composite Capstone heart, spirit, mind and body made up of all men and women who turn to hear and obey the Voice that speaks in the heaven of consciousness on earth right now. By the expression of this Word fulfilment comes, so that the whole earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD. And I am your brother and companion in this developing spiritual body which, even now, stands and walks and talks with God. db

Fiona Gawronsky
Fiona Gawronsky
February 7, 2025 5:40 pm

The French language distinguishes knowing as the verb connaitre, meaning personal or interpersonal knowing (heart), and the verb savoir, meaning knowing as facts or information (mind). In English, we don’t.

Lacking heart, knowing becomes a ‘flat earth’ experience, Perhaps this is why AI is causing concern, it merely replicates. A robot has no consciousness, no conscience. Where there is the human heart component, there is a possibility for wholism, wisdom, discernment. But we have to be open to what is whole and resonnant; capstone consciousness as David puts it.

It is good to meditate on this, and to see the world in perspective.

Jerry Kvasnicka
Jerry Kvasnicka
February 6, 2025 5:28 pm

I find this Pulse particularly relevant right now, in view of the chaos and confusion introduced by the new administration governing our country. Actions are being taken that are really hurting potentially millions of people. These actions are crafted out of the mass of mind-made knowledge in the base of the pyramid, but lack the ordering power of Love at the capstone of the pyramid.

How essential it is to bring the wisdom of Love present in the capstone into my consciousness and firmly into the consciousness of the emerging spiritual body on earth, restoring spiritual government at every level of human function.

Margaret Gunn
Margaret Gunn
February 6, 2025 9:30 am

It is so good to be doing this with you too David. At a reasonably low level as a specialist accountant I get to correct AI generated data all the time Sorry about your song writing app. I hope you have picked yourself up and brushed yourself off by now In friendship with you

Etzion Becker
February 6, 2025 5:03 am

The missing cap-stone of the pyramid is the Spiritual Government, which would connect the spiritual world with the earthly realm. This has been the task of humanity – no AI, no mechanical system can replace this. All these technologies will only increase spiritual ignorance; the minds behind it have no real connection with the Divine. It is another tower of Babel, which eventually would crash on the head of humanity

Duk Hee Kang
Duk Hee Kang
February 6, 2025 4:06 am

When I attended the Wednesday Attunement Service today, I was very excited about your service, the capstone of a Pyramid. It is a crossover point to connect Heaven and Earth in the heart of humanity. Keep Pure in Heart, we can see and hear God!

Your book, Primal Christianity, lets us keep pure in heart individually and collectively and then meet Christ’s Life, the vibration of living. You are inviting us to our ordained roles and mission on earth in this transitional time. Jae Hyoung and I are reading your book now. Especially, he has hosted Book of Grace, A Cosmic View of the Bible with several Koreans and is very interested in your book.
With Attunement and Blessing,
Duk Hee

Phillip J Zbaraz
Phillip J Zbaraz
February 5, 2025 11:36 pm

Thanks David…a most timely consideration. I just started reading a book authored by Gregg Braden (Pure Human) in which he explores the very issue you are focused on…the Heart of knowing. He talks about the point we are at in our evolution (technological, societal, biological and spiritual) which will demand of us to decide if we abandon what he calls our personal Code of Divinity. For many years we have come to know that technology proceeds at a pace that is hugely faster than society’s ability to accommodate it both from an ethical and moral perspective. Only when we have a certain intentionality about our relationship with ourselves and our world can we be in position to handle what comes into our creative sphere with wisdom and grace.
Thank you again for bringing this discussion forward.

February 5, 2025 11:12 pm

These words are so important in all our lives here together – no matter how far apart…

Sunrise Ranch shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord. May that divine knowing fill this Ranch, may it fill this community of people around the world, Emissaries of Divine Light.

I have always said that “I won the parent lottery’!!! And I did – and I have also won the Community lottery here at Sunrise.

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