Spirituality for Today

We are here to bring a life-changing spirituality to the world. There’s a crying need for a spirituality that addresses the issues that are up for people and for the world. We need a spirituality that is relevant and current, and that gives an answer to what the world is facing. As Uranda once said, we don’t need just “that old-time religion.” We need the evolution of spirituality for today. It has to be a spirituality that is real, life-changing, and even world-changing.

Attunement is this spirituality. It is the spiritual practice that the world needs now. I’m speaking about something that no one can define, no one owns, and no one can limit. I’m not talking about anyone’s idea about Attunement. I’m not speaking about anyone’s way of doing it. I am not diminishing any other spiritual practice. I am just saying that without an experience of Attunement, for real, any spiritual practice does not lead to something life-changing or world-changing. And the experience of Attunement gives life and significance to any true spiritual practice.

Attunement. The reality of it is an experience of consciously resonating with the powers of Creation within us. Those powers are at work through all people, as long as they have breath. But if consciousness isn’t clear, Attunement fades. The energies of Universal Love are degraded and distorted. The cosmic intelligence that is our birthright is dimmed and diminished. And the abundant life within our physical body ebbs.

I’m speaking of an Attunement with a sphere of reality that is higher than our immediate human experience. It is Attunement upward, to the source of creative power that doesn’t originate in the outer dimensions of who we are as a human being. But when we tune into it, it comes into us in floods.

For the most part, it doesn’t seem like the animal, vegetable, and mineral worlds rely on consciousness for this process to transpire. Their Attunement is hard-wired. Not so for us, as human beings. For us, what’s happening in consciousness is critical. If the processes in consciousness aren’t working right, our Attunement suffers. If we then awaken to what’s going on, we have the opportunity to learn the mental and emotional practices that bring us into greater Attunement. And we learn to avoid the patterns of thought and emotion that diminish our Attunement.

Attuning upward sets us up to attune to each other. There is this opportunity at every level of our experience—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. We have the opportunity to harmonize with others who are attuning upward, and thereby know Attunement between us. This brings experiences of synergy, synchronicity, and communion. It brings vigor and love to what we share with others.

Attunement upward. Attunement between. As these two directions of Attunement are in place, we are in position to bring the radiant current of Attunement out into the world. We can make it available to individuals, and groups of people, and to the world at large. As there is Attunement upward and Attunement between, it’s easy to bring the powers of Universal Love, cosmically aligned intelligence, and vigorous life to other people.

If you are an Attunement practitioner, you have gained at least a foundational understanding of how this works. And no doubt, you have an experience of it working. How do you see that understanding and experience now? Have you gained complete Attunement with the source of creative wisdom and power within you? Have you gained the optimal level of Attunement with the people in your life?

Looking at the world at large, it is easy to see that humankind is struggling. The lack of Attunement it experiences—the lack of a unifying love, and the lack of a higher intelligence coming into our collective experience—is causing issues at other levels. Have we, collectively, brought the power of Attunement sufficiently to the world? Have we brought all that we are capable of bringing?

Some might believe that they have reached the epitome of what is possible in their experience of Attunement. It’s done and dusted. For me, it is clear that my own experience is not done and dusted. It is deepening and strengthening. When I consider what I am sharing with others, there are currents of love and appreciation rising, accompanied by a growing desire for creative collaboration with my friends. I feel the urge to create together to bring Attunement to the world. And I desire to share what I feel inside me with the people around me.

Without knowing a deepening Attunement upward, and knowing how that happens for us, bringing Attunement to the world could seem like human effort. But that is just an earthbound way of looking at it. This does not work based on human effort. It works based on magic. The magic of Creation comes into us as we attune more and more to the creative powers within us. Then, there is no end to what is possible. That magic is available as we relate to each other. And the body of consciousness that builds between us becomes an instrument through which the flow of Attunement current reaches the world.

Attunement relies on a quality of consciousness that facilitates the experience. Consciousness contains both a range of mental awareness and emotional awareness. Especially in Western culture, the emotional range of consciousness has been devalued and has tended to be filtered out of experience. This is especially true when it comes to spirituality. The result is that religious people often attempt to believe in what they conceive to be a spiritual reality—in God by whatever name, in heaven, in angels, or in Jesus. They have doctrines and scripture to tell them what spirituality is. But without an awareness through feeling, they are attempting to envision and have faith in something mentally conceived that is an adaptation of the three-dimensional reality in which they live. So we have images and icons, dogma and doctrines. An angel is a person with wings. God is a father with a beard. And heaven is a place where angels play harps in the clouds.

The conception is likely to be more elaborate than that. Nonetheless, human consciousness is made to connect to spiritual reality through a feeling awareness. And without that, the source of power and wisdom for the individual and the Presence of Divine Being is theoretical, no matter how firmly a person might declare their belief. Without heart involvement, our Attunement upward is tenuous.

I don’t have a sociological study to show you to back up this assertion. Yet, we are all firsthand witnesses to human experience. So consider it for yourself. When does spirituality become real for you? When do you feel attuned to a higher reality? Isn’t it when there is a feeling connection to it, however that is invoked? And doesn’t spirituality become brittle, dry, and devoid of any deep significance without a feeling awareness of it?

The human mind would love to be the primary channel and the chief arbiter of our spirituality. But while the mind has a role to play in the process, a very important part of that role is to steward our heart connection and let the heart be this first point of connection in our Attunement upward.

The 24th Psalm talks about ascending the hill of the Lord and the necessity of a pure heart for that to happen. Puritanical Christians might have ideas about what a pure heart may be. There are moralistic codes and teachings about what it would mean to have a pure heart. But a pure heart is simply one that is free of the toxicity that prevents it from resonating with the truth of what’s above.

For the heart to do its job, the mind has to let go of any expectation that the source of love and wisdom will show up according to its mental constructs, which are developed based on the physical world. The Presence of the Divine shows up in the heart first, and not according to mental concepts. As much as the mind might discount the significance of that heart awareness, I’m here to say, It’s real! Embrace it! Cherish it!

News anchor Savannah Guthrie recently published her book Mostly What God Does. The message of the book is that Mostly what God does is love you.

She is a tough reporter and an insistent interviewer when she has to be. But most weekday mornings in America, you can see Savannah on the morning news. Her smiling face glows with an inner knowing—that she is loved from above. It is reassuring for America, in the midst of all the crazy this country gets up to, to receive that vibrational message.

Somehow, that love got real for Savannah. Her experience of that is in her book. There was mental belief involved. But what came into her heart made it real.

How real is the power of love that comes from Source? It’s as real as we allow it to be. And the more we let it be real, the more we tune in to it, the more it comes into us. The more the Presence of something higher than our own human experience becomes real for us, the more it has power for us, the more it holds us, the more we know that our own presence is part of it.

There are higher places to go in our knowing of ourselves and our own assurance of who we are. There is a deeper knowing of why we are here and of what we have to bring to the world that is available to us. We are not done and dusted. We are tuning in more and more.

This sets us up to attune to each other with confidence and collectively become a more powerful instrument of transformation, through which cosmic tides can flow into the human world.

All the parts and dimensions of who we are, all the voices in our own psyche, can be brought together so that for us individually, when we speak there is the voice of many waters—not just the voice of a conscious mind saying things. When I speak, I speak for the depth of who I am. And when any one of us speaks, they are speaking for us all. They are the voice of many waters, the voice of all our hearts, the voice of our collective consciousness, bringing tidal waves of love and upliftment into the world. There is a rising tide that we are bringing together, calling out to the world with greater and greater power, more and more of love’s authority.

Done and dusted? We’re midstream in the middle of a powerful creative act, collectively holding a momentous outworking. Who could doubt it? Look at the world.

In all that, there is a creaking on the fissure lines within the human psyche. Do you find that for yourself? Whoa! I feel like I’m coming unglued here. And what is the answer? Attunement upward, more and more. That is what melds all of the human psyche together into one body of love, one body of truth, one body of life that’s available for each of us, and for us to know together. And the opportunity for that is made available by us to the people we meet.

We bring the power of the holy ghost—the substance of the human experience, melded together by its Attunement with what is higher. It’s integrated with what’s higher, and integrated with itself. It is the surround of the holy ghost that invites human consciousness to know wholeness for itself.

This is the power of healing that we bring. This is the Attunement we bring because it’s the Attunement we are knowing. Yes, Attunement is an energy medicine practice. But the larger factor in the Attunement of a human being is a matter of the heart that allows for an Attunement of the soul with what is above, so that we truly have an experience that is the fulfillment of Jesus’ prayer: That they all may be one as thou, Father, art in me and I in thee. That they also may be one in us.

That is a prayer for Attunement with what’s higher, so that what’s higher may be in us and we may be in the higher, and that there may be an Attunement given to the world.

This is the spiritual practice for today that the world so desperately needs.

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Fiona Gawronsky
Fiona Gawronsky
August 10, 2024 9:00 am

I was in a coffee shop this week. I know the proprietor. There was an elderly couple also in Jack’s café and we were all in a conversation. The tone started to sink as areas of global and financial concern were introduced. At this point, I realized that here was an opportunity to raise the bar and bring the Attunement current, and the atmosphere was transformed. Jack gave me a hug as I left. I could feel the current in that interaction was uplifting.

Leave the world a better place… it’s not complicated when it comes from the heart.

Psalm 118. V 24. This is the day the Lord hath made, we will be rejoice and be glad in it.
V 26. Blessed be he that cometh in the name of the Lord; we have blessed you out of the house of the Lord.

Whose day is this anyway? It is the day the Lord that made.

Ron free
Ron free
August 8, 2024 3:27 am

As I read your heartfelt words, David,(as is the case when I read the the words of Martin Uranda and Jesus), my heart cracks open from their impact. And as I read–as I “continue in the word”–a depth of feeling wells up within me that is apt to bring tears of joy and sorrow in such a perfect blend it is impossible to tell them apart.

Reading this pulse has caused me to realize that what I am experiencing at such time is in fact Attunement with what is Higher. I was aware of this prior to reading this pulse but now it has reached a deeper level.

Even so, I realize I have only touched the hem of the garment. Thank you David.

August 7, 2024 9:51 pm

…the larger factor in the Attunement of a human being is a matter of the heart that allows for an Attunement of the soul with what is above…

The only true answer within – is YES!!!!

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