When we two come together
And embrace the flow of life,
We need to hold it, cherish it.
Hear my call.
Surging wellsprings stirring the heart,
Let’s glide on those waters as they sparkle.
Sacred one, acknowledge this moment.
Hear my call.
We shall release the torrent water of life,
Burning the skin, indulge until satiated.
Oh Beloved, join me.
May we continue to nurture all connections and friendships we’ve made with leaders of the local Interfaith community, already well established, that it may continue to grow in harmony, activating further partnerships across the larger region of the Cape Province, Nationally and Internationally, as has just happened with the King of Jordan. May these partnerships interweave with people of faith everywhere, that they may know the ONE FAITH that holds us all in ONE LOVE.
May our Muslim friends in the Cape enjoy a radiant Ramadan month, starting tomorrow, a time of purification, atonement and service to the larger community. May we hold them in love during this time, in the spirit of service, appreciation and support.
I so appreciate experiencing a new wave of response to what we offer from teachers. May all teachers respond to the invitation to remember their primal bond and reclaim their abilities to bless and understand, so that their vocational calling, their teaching and learning may be restored to a new sense of wholeness, to guide the children and the youth in their care.
May those who participated in the Primal Spirituality intensive course here at Gate House continue to shine. And may teachers of Primal Spirituality arise from amongst these ones to continue the gift of this work locally.
May Gate House continue to thrive and be a hub for everyone, including the youth, in new and enterprising ways that will surprise us all. May the Gate House Attunement School thrive and grow.
O treasured light, your almighty passion fills every part of my Being with a musical rhythm that overflows my body, my atoms, my cells, my organs, bones, thoughts, and my feelings. I cannot be without your presence. You make me whole and holy, divine and mighty, soft and strong, small and humble. I thirst for you to move with me in my dance of life, and I savor every essence of myself with you, my treasured intimate-encountered friend.
O elixir of life, allow me to be ever close to you, that I may move in gentle, synchronized poise with every single step I take. And expand me in every way possible, so I may become unified and complete—complete in oneness and joining in all of our onenesses. Then may we all flow in your opalescent glory, allowing nature to bring us into one enlightened place of peace with you always, my almighty friend of all, treasured light, and immaculate infinity of love.
Thank you, Karen. Thank you, all. It is wonderful to be addressing my friends at Sunrise Ranch and people around the world from here in Cape Town this evening, while it is your morning in Colorado. Good to feel us straddling time zones around the world and, through our voices and through our thoughts and feelings and the movement of our spirit, to hear the One Voice as of many waters in many places.
I love this time of deepening prayer in our hour of service together. Let us continue in that movement. That is how I would describe the past two weeks: a time of deepening prayer, coming to places of great ignition—the fire of Love coming deep into the soul, incinerating whatever blocks and barriers might be there. The call of our own hearts is erupting, calling out to whoever will listen.
Hear my prayer. That call has been present in the human heart for millennia. There is a primal urge to be heard and seen, to be witnessed and to be understood.
Hear my prayer. Hear the desire of my heart. Hear the passion of my spirit. Hear my prayer.
It is a prayer to be known, to be seen, to be forgiven, to have all past error absolved. It is a prayer for love and a prayer for communion, a prayer for the end of loneliness and a prayer for life, and life more abundantly.
At the same time, we speak a prayer for the creative field in which we live.
Let there be peace in this field. Let there be forgiveness in this field. Let there be understanding. Let there be love, a transcendent love that sets aside any of the human obstacles to knowing that love, that one love that unites us all. Let there be one body of substance, one body of consciousness that we share together in a mutual knowing.
Jesus spoke this prayer so beautifully: That they may be one, even as we are one. (John 17:22)
That prayer is at the core of the human heart. It is the prayer to know oneness, to know communion that we are feeling on behalf of the Divine. It is the prayer that we may all know one faith.
Faith has all its different colors and all its different expressions and languages, but surely there is only one faith that a human being could have that has ultimate meaning: a faith in life itself, a faith in the Divine, a faith in the power of love, and therefore a faith in oneself and a faith in other human beings. Let there be one faith in this field. Let there be one thing that is known—yes, in all our individual ways. We can’t know and we can’t have faith except as ourselves, in our own unique way of doing that. But still, let us participate in one faith, one knowing together. Let us know that we are one people on this planet.
It is my prayer that we who are together on this call, participating in this service today—whether we just met or whether we have known each other for decades—know ourselves and each other in oneness; that we know one love together, that we know one thing together.
It is my prayer that we might stand on this day in the light of the Almighty as one people and speak our prayer to the Almighty together: Hear our prayer. See us. We are here for you. We are here for the one God. Not your God or my God, not the God of any particular religion. The one, real God.
As Emissaries of Divine Light around the world come to that place in themselves, putting aside all that would separate one human being from another human being, all that would close off a human being into loneliness and desperation and isolation, and let all that go, and crack open; then, in our communion with the one God, we find ourselves in position to bring the prayer of the Divine into the world. Let us pray on behalf of the one real God and on behalf of ourselves, knowing union in that one reality, so that we address the larger world with power and assurance and confidence, and so that the urgency of the creative compulsion that is present in human hearts is called forth to do its perfect work, giving birth to a beautiful world.
I believe that it is likely that every single last person within the sound of my voice today has heard the truth of reality spoken, clearly and unequivocally, in a way that was easy to understand if they wanted to understand it. It is my prayer that we accept those words that we have heard and let them register deeply within us with what we know to be true, to humble ourselves to that knowing and open ourselves to a greater faith in the truth that we do know, and then speak into the world with the confidence and the assurance and even the determination and commitment that the faith in that truth deserves. I don’t need to impose that truth on anybody, but I won’t minimize it, and I will not doubt it.
As Jesus said, our light shouldn’t be hidden. The one light deserves to shine brightly in the world. The shining of the light takes faith and confidence in that light. I bet my life on it. How about you? What do you want to bet your life on? Can you think of anything better? I bet my life on that. That’s where my faith is: part of one faith and one reality. With that faith, we say to the world:
Hear our prayer. Let the reverberation of love and rays of light radiate throughout the world.
One humanity unified through one spirit; whole earth.
Wow and I add- Holy Spirit bond and unite us in love and communion!
Wonderful deep messages.Thanks for sharing and am blessed for the amazing connection,l appreciate.