The Highest Love


The highest love of all becomes personal. But still, it is larger and higher than who we are as a human being. Truly, it transcends the individualized aspect of the Divine that is the reality of who we are as a Being. The highest love is the one love that is within all things, that is holistically and holographically present through all people, throughout all Creation on this planet, throughout our solar system, throughout all solar systems and all galaxies, and all of Being. There is one love that is operating throughout the universe.

Instead of growing into that love and accessing it, living it, expressing it and being it in a way that transcends all the small things of our human world, we, as human beings, often end up living a life in which we cut off that experience, until we are living in narrower and narrower spaces of mind and heart. And so there is the urge that arises in us to awaken, to throw open the heart and the mind to the largeness of what is available to it, and to allow the highest love—the greatest love—to enter in, to live through us and set us free. At a time when we are entertaining the reality of that spirit, it is not hard to see the imprisonment in which we have lived—a prison of consciousness more than anything else, that we have tended to see in terms of limitations of circumstance, limitations of culture, and limitations of the people around us. Is it possible that all that is a reflection of our own prison of mind and heart? And what would happen to all those layers of our life if the prison of consciousness was disassembled so that the highest love could come in?

That love wants to come into us and express as us. It wants us to allow all the gateways of Being within us to open wide so that the sovereignty of Being that is the higher reality of us can come in. This is the core of the Attunement process.

The Twenty-fourth Psalm contains these prophetic and powerful words:

Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in.

It is our birthright to express that reality in our life. We came here to do this, and why else?

There are many facets to a human life, and many responsibilities. There is a mission in life and a destiny, with many things to be fulfilled, many things to create, and so much service to offer. I ask you to forget that now. Forget all those responsibilities and all the things that seem so important, all the interests and hobbies and creative projects, and all the relationships. Forget all those things for a moment, knowing that they are not going anyplace. But forget them long enough to contemplate this one thing that is the biggest reason you and I came here. It is to reveal the highest love, to be that, express that, in an act of love like no other. And that act of love is to be ourselves and express that love and let it be present through all things.

Then we can take up all relationships, all responsibilities, all service and all creativity with that love on board. But if you attempt all the other things in life and leave it to last, you leave it to never. It is not until that highest love is first that it will be invested in all things, and your relationships and your projects and your creativity will be powered by that one love, and therefore destined for victory. And how could everything else be successful if you left out this one thing?

I say that today and now we can do it. I am suggesting that, in some way, probably all of us have put it off. We were going to do all the good preparation work before we got down to what our life is truly about. Well, maybe it was true that we needed to do some preparation work, and maybe it was not true. But here we are today. Let’s stop preparing and do this one thing: invest our life with the greatest love of all.

Clearly, it comes out differently in all the facets of our life. We say there are seven endocrine glands that play their part in seven dimensions of love. And love appears so differently in every moment of our life, which is the magic of love. It knows how to transform itself into whatever creativity is appropriate in the moment, given the circumstance. Can we leave it to love to do that? It knows how to do that. But if we never open ourselves to the highest love and make the choice to let it in, it won’t have that opportunity. We have already squeezed it out. If we let it in, we can have the faith that it knows how to express itself appropriately in every moment, in every circumstance, and how to bring just the right dimension of love to the people who are in our lives, to the circumstances in our lives, and to our own life experience. We have the opportunity to let love in and let it out.

When we let in the highest love, we are letting in ourselves. With that love comes sovereign Being and our own natural authority in our life; our own natural creativity and our own natural dominion over the creative field in which we live. The world hears the voice of the greatest love through us like none other. And when the Spirit of Love is in our voice, our world hears us in a different way.

Sovereign Being says, You are mine. And the world naturally responds, I am yours. When we are open to the highest love, we hear the voice that says, You are mine. And we naturally respond, I am yours. We belong to the highest love. Everything in us belongs to that love. And when we allow ourselves to be taken by that love, we become an instrument of it and find that the reality of us is now in the world, in expression. That love is present. It has activated us, it has taken us, and has now taken the world as its own—not taken by a human being in the possessive way that we can be about other people, about the things in our lives, and about the natural world, but possessed by the natural authority of the highest love, which is in all things.

This is the fulfillment of the Attunement process—not only Attunement as an experience of perhaps twenty minutes with a practitioner, but Attunement as a meta-practice that pervades all our life experience.