Set Free

Over thirty years ago, I was a participant in an organization called the Whole Health Institute. Eventually I became the president of that organization. It was a group of practitioners and patients who had decided that the “technique” of health care was less important than seeing the whole person. Its intent was to make conscious that healing was about the body, mind and spirit, not just about treating physical symptoms. Back then, that was leading-edge thinking. It has now become quite common. Rather than focusing on technique, we spoke of the changes in attitude, lifestyle, and spiritual orientation that bring more life. We got our ego and pride in our specific training out of the way. The Whole Health Institute was on the leading edge of how people saw health care and healing in its day and age.

I came to Colorado to work here in Loveland in a clinic that was one of the first in the country that had multiple disciplines in the same building: chiropractors, medical doctors, dentists, psychologists, psychotherapists, massage therapists, and colonic irrigation. All these practitioners were working together to let something change in the health care arena. Most participated in the organization. They were interested in letting their technique become less significant than their care for the people in their hands, less important than their service.

On February 4th we held a conference at Sunrise Ranch: Vibrational Healing: Consciousness Is the Ultimate Medicine. Practitioners on a new leading edge shared their insights into this field. We were all more interested in the possible change in consciousness than the individual techniques and trainings. There were presentations on Access Consciousness ™, Zero Balancing, Sukyo Mahikari, and Attunement. I spoke about beliefs regarding aging and vibrational radiance and David Karchere spoke about personal transformation. It was a beautiful day. In speaking about service through healing vibrations, we acknowledged that our individual work was all part of one thing, one vibration—the vibration of life.

In Tamara Younker’s presentation on Access Consciousness ™, she led us in numerous exercises to assist in breaking down how we habitually think about ourselves and our world. Most people hold limitations in consciousness about who they are and what is possible. The message in the exercise was to stop thinking about yourself in the same old way and welcome a larger vision.

I would like to invoke that invitation for 2012. The predications about 2012 being the end of the world have presented us with the possibility of realizing we have been thinking about ourselves and life in a way that no longer works. Given that forecast, people are stretching their thinking. But predictions are often based on what a person has experienced thus far. They tend to be part of a familiar frame of reference. The other option seems to be to go to an extreme in the exact opposite direction of what has been experienced so far. The truth is that 2012 is a special year because it is the one we have and we can choose to be different in it. We can begin thinking in a different way.

After the work we did, I experienced a letting go of limitations, and a new sense of personal freedom. When I got home that night, I was in a space of wanting to rethink how I saw myself and created this poem to express what I was feeling:

Set Free

Set free from all that I thought,
and was told,
I am born today
without limit,
without judgment,
I am possibility,
I am a fertile crescent,
I am pregnant with potential.

All that I see is changed in the seeing,
all that I love is made moist to bursting.
What lies ahead is uncharted,
to the life I currently know,
requiring my presence for its survival and birth.

I am one with the source of life,
I am the change of seasons,
I am the womb of new thought,
new ideas,
new form,
joy unspeakable,
endless creation,
and the union of masculine and feminine
in holy matrimony.
Come now and see the creative circus in town
Join me in the three-ringed adventure
of love, truth, and life.

Welcome to this three-ringed circus. I used that phrase intentionally because we often think of spiritual things as having to be staid or structured in a way that fits within the beliefs we have about how things will go. The predictable! I’m up for the shakeup. I’m up for seeing that 2012 can be about letting go of the ways in which I have held back the birth that’s trying to happen through me. I’m up for 2012 being about the revelation of my real character, my true character.

I am interested in creating with people who will allow the energy that is moving through them to be resonant with the highest and finest within them, resonant with their true character. It does not take many people to hold this planet as the fertile crescent it is. But it does take people of service who allow magic and creation to be present. All the vibrational substance of the world that is unbound is available.

My vision changes when I live in this awareness. I see things hidden around corners; I see realities in people that are waiting to be invited; I see the possibility of new creation in powerful configurations of people. Have you noticed that when certain people are together, different things happen than when other people are together? I do. And I want to be in position to see the real character waiting to be born through people. I will hold a place where it is safe for them to be, to reveal it, knowing it is a little unfinished. I will welcome people to an experience that is a little unfamiliar, but real. It is the experience of an inner voice bursting forth today through those listening with new ears.

It takes something to be on the edge, and it is helpful for a person who is beginning to have that experience to have a friend around, holding a place so they know they can do it safely. Not safely in the sense that they won’t make a mistake, but safely in that they’ll still be loved and seen when they take their first steps into the new. We get a chance to do that for others; to smile when we see someone start, and to encourage them. I love it when my friends do that for me.

I am born today
without limit,
without judgment,
I am possibility,
I am a fertile crescent,
I am pregnant with potential.

All that I see is changed in the seeing,
all that I love is made moist to bursting.

Watch out! Here I am! And here you are. Let’s burst together into the joy of creation in this year 2012. It’s the only year we’ve got, by the way. We can’t go back to 2011. We can’t skip 2012, like some people do with the 13th floor in a building. I’m thrilled to death. No, I’m thrilled to life, at the possibility of us doing this together.

(Transcription of the Creative Field Teleconference ~ February 5, 2012)

Jane Anetrini
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