Become a Member Today
Are you passionate about spiritual regeneration? Do you resonate with the purpose and mission of Emissaries of Divine Light? Do you share our vision for what is possible for anyone who is open to it, and for all humankind?
If your answer to these questions is yes, we invite you to become a full member of Emissaries of Divine Light. This means that you desire to share actively in this global spiritual community and its service to the world. Become a Member today!

Privileges of Membership
Members have the option to receive a periodical that includes news and information about the communities, the organization, the governance and the finances of Emissaries of Divine Light. They have access to our members-only online site—a Web-based network that offers online access to Emissary texts, audio and video.
Members also receive our weekly e-mail message, The Pulse of Spirit. This publication is translated into a Spanish version, El Pulso del Espíritu, which is sent out by e-mail bi-weekly.
From time to time, there are also events in-person and online that are available to members.
Responsibilities of Membership
Members are responsible for offering a financial donation annually in an amount according to their ability and inner urge. Donations from our members assist in the work of the Emissaries.
Members are also responsible for active communication with a minister of Emissaries of Divine Light at least once a year.
More information
You may also cancel membership by emailing
If you would like to find out more about being a member of the international program of Emissaries of Divine Light, we would be happy to answer any questions you might have. Please contact us at: